Our San Diego backcountry mountain range is one of the few places you can find fall and snow in Southern California. With every season, Julian and the surrounding areas experience seasonal weather patterns. Fall weather really has a mind of its own up here. The morning and evenings are crisp. Sometimes the temperature heats up while others are chilly. This is also the time of year when Santa Ana conditions are common...meaning it can be quite windy. With so much to discover and seasonal weather to experience visitors flock to the San Diego mountains.
As you're driving up and around the community, fall colors can be seen as the oak, fruit, and other deciduous trees change colors in preparation for winter. It's such a beautiful transformation. While the trees are changing outside, the Julian American Legion Post 468 will be serving up their second annual Thanksgiving dinner to go this year. For just $12 you can get Turkey or Ham, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole, Corn, Turkey Gravy, Cranberry Sauce, and of course Julian pie for dessert. No cooking or mess! It’s a Thanksgiving miracle. For those making Thanksgiving dinner don’t forget to grab some locally-pressed apple cider from the Julian Cider Mill, a bottle of Julian Hard Cider, and fresh pies from Mom’s Pie House on Wednesday to add to your feast.
Since the overwhelming majority of our local businesses are owner-operated, many take Thanksgiving day off to spend time with their families. For those planning to visit on Thanksgiving Day, I highly encourage you to check with the business(es) you wish to visit prior to coming up to ensure you have the best experience. Don’t you worry, the town will be in full operation for Black Friday and Small-Business Saturday.
In early November a group of volunteers starts decorating Main Street with Christmas lights and garland. The Julian Country Christmas celebration kicks off the Saturday after Thanksgiving. As one can probably guess, this year’s celebration has some modifications. The town will still have the hometown Christmas feel and be full of Christmas cheer. The Julian Woman’s Club is hosting a handmade Holiday Boutique on November 28th and 29th at their clubhouse (2607 C Street). This is the perfect way to give handmade gifts without the hassle of making them. Plus your purchases support a wonderful community organization. For more information visit their Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/JulianWomansClub).
When shopping on Black Friday, Small-Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday please keep the independently-owned San Diego Backcountry businesses in mind. Local boutiques offer a variety of unique gift options from handmade goods and one of a kind finds to antiques that remind us of good times. Now more than ever our local businesses need our business. Local businesses are owned and operated by our neighbors who care about, and are invested in the well-being of the community and its future. Regular shopping with local businesses is a sign of respect towards the efforts of business owners who work every day to make an honest living. By buying local goods we can help secure our neighbors’ jobs and ensure that Julian’s small-town charm is preserved for the people to enjoy for generations.
*This article was featured in the Borrego Sun in November 2020.