We can all agree that dessert is the best meal of the day, right? If you're looking to satisfy a sweet tooth, Julian is the place to come. This tinny town is famous for its apple desserts. Growing up in Julian and always being in the mood for a sweet treat, I have tried all of them. Trust me, you don't want to miss out on any of them.
Julian Apple Pie

It’s a cardinal sin to eat pie without ice cream, specifically cinnamon ice cream. Thankfully, our tinny town has so over 10 places for you to get a piece of the pie. For a list of local bakeries, check out my guide to Julian Apple Pie.
Still can't get enough? Check out our Julian Apple Pie candle!
Caramel Apples

This yummy treat is an oldie but goodie. You can find freshly made caramel apples at the Julian Cider Mill, Mom’s Pie House, and the Julian Cafe.
Cider Donuts

Small towns usually have small options but sometimes you also get unique options. Julian Pie Company's Apple Cider Donuts are the only freshly made donuts you can find for miles.
Apple Dumplings

What a beauty! A whole apple wrapped in pie crust and baked to perfection. You can find them only at Mom’s Pie House.
Apple Turn Overs
Is pie crust or filling the best part of the pie? With apple turnovers, you get the best of both worlds. Try one for yourself at California Mountain Bakery and Apply Alley.
Apple Cider Milkshake from Miner’s Diner

Well, it’s not on the menu but this bad boy is one of the few things on the Miner’s Diner “secret menu.” A vanilla milkshake made with fresh Julian apple cider instead of milk tastes like a blended pice of pie. Seriously, it’s so good!
Pie Crust Cookies

While this unique cookie doesn’t have apples in it, it is made out of pie crust and shaped like an apple. For all those pie crust lovers this is the perfect treat for you. They are available at Mom’s Pie, Apple Alley, and Julian Pie Company.
**All information provided in this post was correct to the best of my knowledge at the time the post was published. Information provided in this post may change without notice. Please double-check with the individual business for the most up to date information.**